Book Chat | Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare [Infernal Devices #2]


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If you have not read the first novel: Clockwork Angel, this review may contain minor spoilers 

In the magical underworld of Victorian London, Tessa Gray has found safety with the Shadowhunters. But that safety proves fleeting when it becomes clear that the mysterious Magister will stop at nothing to use Tessa’s powers for his own dark ends.
With the help of the handsome, tortured Will and the devoted Jem, Tessa discovers that the Magister’s war on the Shadowhunters is deeply personal and fueled by revenge. To unravel the secrets of the past, the trio journeys from mist-shrouded Yorkshire to a manor house that holds untold horrors. When they encounter a clockwork demon bearing a warning for Will, they realize that the Magister knows their every move—and that one of their own has betrayed them.
Tessa is drawn more and more to Jem, though her longing for Will continues to unsettle her. But something is changing in Will. Could finding the Magister free Will from his secrets and give Tessa answers about who she really is? As their search leads to deadly peril, Tessa learns that secrets and lies can corrupt even the purest heart.

My Review:


Hello bookworms and welcome! Today, to start off this lovely week, the last week of October, I am coming to you with a review of the second book in the Infernal Devices trilogy by Cassandra Clare: Clockwork Prince. 
Essentially, Clockwork Prince is an amalgamation is angst-y romance, fast-paced action, mystery, and FEELS that had my heart pounding constantly, swooning at all moments and even caused me to drop the book in shock at one point. Clockwork Prince was just as great, if not greater than it’s counterpart, the first novel: Clockwork Angel. 


If you are still reading this right now, it means that you have indeed read Clockwork Angel (and possibly Clockwork Prince). If not, I would suggest turning back, in case of being spoiled for the series. Of course, I try my best to avoid as many spoilers as possible and speak as generally as possible. But we all know how hard it is NOT to talk about spoilers with a series that you love and adore. That’s how I feel about Clockwork Prince right now. 

You know a book is good when you have almost 30 post-it tabs sticking out of the pages of the book. Yes bookworms, I ABSOLUTELY ADORED this sequel. Second book syndrome? Nope. Not with this book! If anything, Clockwork Prince was a step up from Clockwork Angel. There was an extremely huge amount of character development of Will (our beloved Will), who I am now infatuated with (side note: I used up all my Will-colour-coded-tabs, that’s how much I adored Will in this novel, guys). The action and mystery was enthralling and my heart was always pounding, my mind constantly whirring. 

Characters are the most important part of a novel for me, and Cassandra Clare delivers exactly what I need right to the doorstep of my bookworm heart. The characters within Clockwork Prince are filled with immense depth and colour, each with their own quirks, experiences and values that shape them. The best part about this sequel is the character development they go through, specifically Will

I was very unsure of Will after reading Clockwork Angel due to the fact that Will was so very detached and pulled himself from everyone, so much so that I as a reader felt detached from him. But despite this, I can never resist a brooding, sarcastic and handsome male character (all my book boyfriends fit into this category to some degree). Clockwork Prince gave me exactly what I needed from Will: a development into the nature of Will’s personality and the revelation of why he is the way he is. And damn, it’s an incredibly complex revelation. Finally, we discover why Will keeps everyone at arm’s length, and why he pushed Tessa away with such vehemence. Will has such complexity to his character – his past has led him to forge and mold a new identity and personality for himself, and yet, we catch glimpses of the “real Will” and honestly, I can’t get enough. I NEED MORE OF WILL HERONDALE IN MY LIFE PLEASE AND THANK YOU.

My love for Jem is an obvious one, if you have read my review of Clockwork Angel. Unlike my other previous book boyfriends, Jem is a kind, calm and thoughtful gentleman; not sarcastic, brooding or a bad-boy to any degree and in Clockwork Prince he is still the same swoon-worthy gentleman I love and adore. He goes through some development, significantly less than Will, however, we get to see more of Jem, of how he feels about himself and his circumstance behind that calm and collected demeanor. 

Tessa struggles mostly with coming to terms with who she is. With the power she possesses and her confusion over whether she is a Downworlder or something else entirely, leads her to question her identity. In the whirlwind of confusion between the two men she is fond of the most, and the conflict between the Shadowhunters and Mortmain, Tessa’s biggest struggle is the identity crisis she is in. Is there really a Tessa Gray? Or is this appearance of herself simply what she created from her mind? More than anything, my heart went out to Tessa. With no family to look to for help and a crazy man bent on revenge of some sort after her and her power, I can’t imagine how hard it would be. 

AH, THE ROMANCE. There is obviously a love triangle involved. NOW WAIT. Before you run away screaming, hear me out. This is the best love triangle you will ever come across. It  filled my heart with joy and love, while simultaneously slowly ripping it to shreds. You’ll most likely be stuck in a whirlwind of: “I ship Wessa! Oh… wait no! I SHIP JESSA” and so on and so forth. Even now, after finishing this novel and after everything that has happened between these three, I’m still unsure of who I ultimately ship. And to me, that’s the sign of a successful love triangle. THANK YOU CASSANDRA CLARE, YOU’RE A CHAMPION.

The world-building, as I mentioned in my Clockwork Angel review, is superb. London in the 1800s is possibly now my favourite historical time period within fiction. Cassandra Clare does an amazing job of weaving in this world into the story, complete with the vivid imagery of the setting, the culture, the outfits that they wear; simply fabulous. 

As always with what I’ve noticed about Cassandra Clare, she does an incredible job with the mystery within the plots of her books. There’s always something for the reader to be guessing about. There is always a question on the reader’s mind and I felt this way with Clockwork Prince despite the many revelations that were revealed. Not only that, it was fast-paced and the action was perfectly timed and spread out. Clare’s writing, as always, is marvelous and keeps me invested in the story long after I have stopped reading for the night. 

Have you read Clockwork Prince?

Who do you ship? Wessa or Jessa?


28 responses to “Book Chat | Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare [Infernal Devices #2]”

  1. […] I proceeded to read the sequel to Clockwork Angel: Clockwork Prince (click here to see my review) which I absolutely adored with all my heart. After finishing, I still had no idea who I shipped and […]


  2. Which team are on…? HAHAH Jessa or Wessa? HAHAHA I get why you’re so indecisive HAHAHA They are both appealing to me too. Get ready for the 3rd book hehe it’s going to blow your mind!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can’t even decide! They’re both so close to my heart, ugh.
      I’m so excited for book three! EEK!


  3. Hey, Josie!! GREAT MARVELOUS AMAZINGLY AWESOME REVIEW. I know, it is so hard to NOT ship people. I am Wessa all the way. I loved everything you said in your review. You are awesome. SO AWESOME. And I loved how the review looked! Is the positives/negatives chart just graphics? And how did you highlight your text gray and coral? Are they graphics too? It looks amazing.

    Love and books,

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Completely agree with your negatives about this book/series! 😉
    Omg I am so happy that you’re finally continuing this trilogy. It’s truly one of the best I’ve ever read. Best love triangle. Best bromance. Best swoony romantic moments. Best cast of characters. BEST EVER. Clockwork Princess will blow your mind! It’s by far the best book in the trilogy (and CA and CP1 were PERFECT).

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I thought you would agree, hehe 😉

      I know, omg I’m so happy about this trilogy Jenna! It’s got everything I’d ever need and want in a novel (all of the things you mentioned basically).

      Liked by 1 person

  5. So glad you liked the book:D Do you think this is one of your favorite books?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Indeed I would say it’s one of my favourite books this year!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Agreed on everything!! Right now I’m fangirling right along with you as I remember all the heartbreaking scenes I completely loved. I absolutely love both Wessa and Jessa, but I have to say, I love Wessa and Will, especially, so much!! It’s so hard to choose though, I feel your pain. 😀 You must read Clockwork Princess ASAP!!! Be warned though, the feels will hit you hard. ❤ Marvelous review as always, Josie!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES YES! I’m glad I could bring back some of the fangirl moments for you. Gotta love looking back sometimes!
      I hope I can settle down with my ultimate ship soon, but let’s face it, it won’t happen until probably I finish Clockwork Princess!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Am I the only one who supports Wessa here?? I don’t care, more Will for me 😛 . If you loved this book prepare yourself for Clockwork Princess… It’s amazing and I’m pretty sure that you’ll love the ending like everyone else 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Anjie (from Love Thy Shelf) is an extreme Wessa fangirl, so you’re totally not alone! 😄

      Oh gosh I hope I love the ending, I’m nervous to be quite honest!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I was nervous too but Cassandra Clare wrote a really good final book 🙂

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  8. aentee @ read at midnight Avatar
    aentee @ read at midnight

    I need to continue on with this series, I remember quite liking the first one – though in my teenage snobbery I was firmly Team Will XD I think if I reread now I would like Jem better? I had a thing for bad boys, but now my heart yearns for the intellectuals ahhaah.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Honestly it’s up to your preference in fictional men. 😉 Trust me it was unexpected for me to love Jem more than Will at first, I was so surprised! But Will is irressistible so you will love him. But I think you could possibly fall for Jem if you reread! Will is quite the intellectual honestly (he’s the massive bookworm at heart and he knows his poetry). 💖


  9. I am a Jessa girl myself, but that does in no way mean that I don’t like Will. He is great!!! I adore the world Cassandra Clare has created and every time a new book comes out, I am just sooooo happy that it’s in the same universe!

    You really need to get to Clockwork Princess soon 😀 you will not see it coming!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YAY! MORE JESSA FANS! Of course, who couldn’t adore Will?! He’s gorgeous 💖
      I know, I get so excited when I hear about Shadow Hunter book news 🙌

      I’m reading it now and I’m so nervous!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yep, there is no way you can’t love Will.
        You’re gonna love Clockwork Princess!

        Liked by 1 person

  10. And that part where Will actually proposes to Tessa and after she gave her response… I could literally feel my heart breaking there. Will’s reaction, Tessa’s reaction… oh god, it was torture. ABSOLUTE TORTURE. I honestly felt like I wouldn’t be able to continue reading after that, I was just that choked with emotion.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. 😀 I’ve told you already, I was always more of a Jessa girl myself, because I love Jem to death, but when Tessa was with Will, I kinda shipped them too.

    So, have you got your Clockwork Princess already? 😀 I think the resolution will surprise you 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yes, whenever Tessa was with one or the other I basically shipped them 😂

      And yep I have Clockwork Princess right here on my table in front of me 😉


      1. 😀 I saw on instagram 😀 this one is intense. By the way, what about the other ships? what do you think of Charlotte/Henry, Sophie/Gideon and Cecy/Gabriel?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I absolutely love Charlotte and Henry! They are so cute! As for Sophie and Gideon, I just want them to kiss and make up already!! And Cecy and Gabriel?? I’m only on chapter two of Clockwork Princess so well have to wait and see about that one…


      3. lol, i thought Cecy and Gabriel was evident from the moment they met 😉

        Gideon and Sophie are just so cute, there’s a specially great scene that involves scones that is adorable

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Yes it was evident!!! But I’m not sure how I feel about them yet!
        Oooh there’s always good things when scones are involved 😉


      5. oh, you have no idea! I love Gideon 😀 he’s just so cool

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Gideon is actually so wonderful! 😄

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