The Summer Reader Book Tag | TAG

Greetings my lovely bookworms! And to all of you who are reading this and are not a bookworm… hello! (from the other side). Today I am bringing to you all a little thing called a book tag. Today, it is going to be the Summer Reader Book Tag! 
You’re probably sitting there thinking, what? Why is this crazy lady doing a SUMMER book tag during the Christmas season? It’s winter! Well, these are the realities of Australia. No snuggling up on Christmas day; more like, blasting the air-conditioning on full to keep cool. 

I was tagged by the fabulous Joey @ Thoughts and Afterthoughts a very long time ago to do this post… back when it was summer in the northern hemisphere (oops)


LEMONADE — a book that started off bitter, but got better

Oooh, this is a hard one for me. Dang, well isn’t this tag getting off to a fabulous start? My most honest answer would have to be The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien. Honestly, the first time I read this, it slightly put me off (maybe because I was in 6th grade at the time and the language was weird for me, I don’t know) but as I progressed further, I became fully immersed. And now I am a total Lord of the Rings fangirl. Woot woot! 

GOLDEN SUN — a book that made you smile beyond compare

Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi. This is my current read, although I am thirteen chapters away from finishing, which means by Friday, a review will hopefully be up. But back to the book; this book has honestly made me smile so much. 

Firstly, because of the amazing, complex and swoon-worthy WarnerSecondly, because of the character who I love second best to Warner: Kenji. That dude never fails to make me laugh and I thank Tahereh Mafi for creating him. Thank you so much. He’s so adorable. 

TROPICAL FLOWERS — pick a book set in a foreign country.

I’ve only ever lived in Australia – although I have visited Malaysia and London. So I can’t mention London, I suppose. So instead, I will go with FranceIsla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins is set in France, and I’ve never been there, only seen pictures, so it is rather foreign to me. 

TREE SHADE — pick a book in which a mysterious or shady character was first introduced.

As soon as I read this question I thought of Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. Almost immediately, a shady male character is introduced. For pretty much all the way through this book he seemed shady and weird and this book was just not my cup of tea AT ALL.

BEACH SAND — pick a book that was grainy, and the plot barely developed.

From what I read of The Light That Gets Lost, I felt it was quite grainy. I read probably about 20% the way through and I felt nothing was happening. There was all this talk of revenge, but nothing was happening. It was the same routine over and over again, and while it created an amazing atmosphere and the language was amazing, I just couldn’t stay focused on the book at all. (I even fell asleep at some point!)

GREEN GRASS — pick a character(s) that were full of life, making you smile.

Oh dear goodness. I’d have to say the entire cast of the Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan. Everyone from Jason, Piper, Leo (my baby), Percy, Annabeth, Nico, Hazel, and all the others I can’t remember at this moment in time were and are just full of such life and their interactions made me smile. Especially Leo Valdez. Let’s just spotlight Leo for this answer okay? LEO IS MY BAE. 

WATERMELON — pick a book that had some juicy secrets.

The It Girl series by Cecily von Zeigesar is full of secrets and juicy gossip. It’s similar to Gossip Girl, and I can’t believe I spent an entire school holiday isolated with over 10 books in this series. I can’t believe I read them all. And I can’t believe I loved it. 

SUN HAT — pick a book that had a vast, big universe/setting.

Please tell me you already know my answer for this. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien. Middle Earth. Enough said. 

BBQ — pick a book in which a character was portrayed as a hunk.

All Sarah J Maas books. If you don’t know who she is, drop everything and read her books now. DO IT NOW.

And there we have it! I shall not be tagging anyone, because I think almost all of you have done this tag already and it’s not even summer for most of you! But this tag is open to anyone who would like to do it. 


30 responses to “The Summer Reader Book Tag | TAG”

  1. LOL Sarah J. Maas sure knows how to create swoon-worthy male love interests, that’s for sure! 😉 Also, yes for Kenji! Warner is bae, but Kenji is simply fabulous. Love him so much! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Indeed, she does. I’m definitely getting my tips from her when I start writing my own swoon worthy male characters… 😉
      Warner and Kenji are just the best! 💓

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I hear by nominate you to partake in the lovely…12 Days of Christmas Blogging!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I meant when I finished QOS

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  4. It cold in the UK at the moment! All I want to do is snuggle up in a ball and read books!
    And yes of course all the Sarah J Maas guy book characters make us swoon.. When I finished I had 1 week book hangover..The book left me with so many feels that every time I saw fan art, quotes or heart someone mention it my feels exploded!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Agh I’m jealous! I want to be somewhere cold right now.
      Oh my gosh yes, Queen of Shadows left me in almost a month-long hangover!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Woah one month long… I’m thankful I had ACOTAR to get me out of my hangover!

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  5. love your answers ;), I love Kenji too :D, his relationship with Juliette is just so great

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Agh yes their relationship is wonderful and it makes my heart squeeze in my chest! 😀

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      1. I liked that Kenji became her best friend, I love when books portrait a male-female friendship that is just that, and has no love-interest behind it

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  6. I am getting ready to have my second Christmas here in California. It isn’t exactly hot…but it doesn’t feel much different than it did during the spring or most of the summer quite honestly.

    I was struck by how Sarah J. Maas described the guys in Throne of Glass. When she described Rowan for the first time I almost swooned!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, California is a fairly sunny and warm place, right? 😊
      I know right?! I swooned so hard for Rowan, almost immediately!

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      1. California is VERY sunny and I am lucky enough to live in an almost perfect area right next to the beach where it doesn’t get too hot (or too cold). And silly enough – I really miss the snow!

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  7. What a great tag!! I was tagged a while ago when it was summer too. I should still do it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Oh well then consider yourself re-tagged by me (for motivation to do this tag, hehe) 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome. Thanks 😀


  8. This is my second year in Australia. I am still not used to the hot weather on Christmas.Its funny seeing all of the snow in Christmas movies when its hot where you are.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I moved here when I was only a year old, and I still can’t handle this weather! Especially here in Western Australia, the heat is brutal! But NSW is much cooler in comparison I think.
      It is funny, we show all this snow in the movies while we sit, melting in the heat! XD

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You live in Western Australia?! Wow, that is hot!!! I live in Victoria so It doesn’t get as hot as Western Australia:D To be honest a few years ago before we moved to Australia I lived in Arizona. Which is near California. Arizona is a desert but its still winter there XD

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes I do! Oh yes I bet Victoria is much cooler than Western Australia!
        Oh but It would get really cold in Arizona right? Because you know, desert climate is very extreme between day and night?


      3. It gets cold in Arizona in the winter time, but not that cold.

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  9. It’s Summer for you right now, yes?? I’m in Winter right now, which is why I really want to do this tag. I’m an Erudite at heart and I have no regrets because we’re not completely evil, which is why I think I’ll like the irony of doing this tag right now. “Tell me…do you appreciate irony? Because you tested an aptitude for Erudite which means you must have the intellectual capacity” taken from Insurgent movie 😛 😛

    And because you convinced me with lots of comments and persistence, I’m reading ToG right now, hello! And I’m dying because I didn’t read it earlier. I’m on #3 and Rowan has just been introduced (just started it) and I sort of had a case of insta-love because I tend to do that with dark, brooding, mysterious god-knows-how-old fae. 😛 😛

    Also, I can’t imagine it not snowing and being super cold on Christmas?! And for you, you can’t imagine any less sunshine! Oh, the irony.

    Love and books, and love YOU so much,
    Veda ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep, it’s summer right now and I’m so sad because I want snow and a cold Christmas 😭
      OH MY GOSH YAY IM SO HAPPY YOURE READING IT! Rowan is amazing! Oh my gosh I fell for him instantly too! Looks like we both have a weakness for brooding, handsome male characters! AGH ROWAN IS LOVELY.
      Love you Veda! Thank you for your lovely comments 💓

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      1. You know, change of plans, apparently!! We’re not having a white christmas over here!! Oh gosh I want to cry. White Christmases are amazing. Though I’m sure once you experience the snow and cold you may end up liking Australia better!! Unfortunately, after finishing CoM and starting Heir of Fire, I completely neglected everything that went on between Chaol and Celaena and now I am shipping her with Rowan so badly. The only bad side is it seems like they are only going to remain friends forever when I don’t want that to happen! AGH

        I love you, MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY HOLIDAYS and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and your family!

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Aww I’m so glad to hear Ignite ME is making you smile, it’s such an amazing book!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Of course it is! I’m just sitting here melting into a puddle of feels over Juliette and Warner 💓

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  11. I totally agree with Sarah J. Maas characters answer and I loved your responses to the questions! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I’m glad you agreed and enjoyed it. 💕

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  12. You’re one of the reasons I started Sarah J. Maas!!! And my oh my, yes she is SO GOOD. I tell everyone to check her out! I’m in the middle of Heir of Fire right now 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome 😉 She is absolutely amazing indeed!
      Ooh I’m excited for you to get to Queen of Shadows!! 😊


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