Disconnect to Reconnect // Monday Musings

Greetings bookworms and welcome back to my blog! I suppose this is also a mini ‘welcome back’ for me also, since I went on a small hiatus for this weekend without really letting most of you know – unless you follow me on Twitter of course *hint hint*.  Today is Monday, and of course, a Monday Musings discussion post is due. 

monday-musings-summaryYou’re probably wondering what this week’s topic is about, after glancing at the title. Well, after being away for about four days, away from usual life, away from the internet and blogging and books – I’ve realized the importance of being able to disconnect to reconnect. But to really explain what I mean, I’ll start off with where I’ve been.

Where I’ve Been

This weekend I celebrated my best friend’s 18th birthday, by going on a weekend road trip down to Jurien Bay. We rented a beautiful beach house, just minutes away from the beach, in the most quiet, isolated, yet relaxing neighbourhood ever. It was a road trip that I was so excited for because I have a huge case of wanderlust and road trips are totally my kind of thing. 

And so, we went to Jurien Bay, hours away from our lives and homes. Partially away from the internet, and living in a place that almost seemed like a ghost town. It was beautiful to feel like we were almost the only ones living in the area, because of how quiet and spaced out the houses were. We spent time at the beach, and when we weren’t out doing something all day, we were inside cooking food, and making memories to last a lifetime. Being away from electronics (kind of, because we did have a working TV there) and the internet and just generally away from our daily lives, was simply the most amazing thing for me and it made me realize that sometimes, we get so used to our lives that we unconsciously disconnect from ourselves and from the life around us. Going on this trip reconnected me in many ways – it made me realize how sometimes, stepping out and going away from our lives for a while can sometimes bring us back to it in a closer, more intimate way – if that makes sense. 

What does it mean to disconnect?

For me, disconnecting was travelling three hours away from home with a group of my closest friends, to live together in a house for three days, away from our daily lives. I think that it’s really important that we give ourselves this kind of disconnection to our lives every once in awhile. It could be as big as that, or it could be something little, like, going without internet and electronics for a few days, or spending time alone for a few days or so. 

I think sometimes we can sort of, fear the thought of disconnecting, for the thought that we might miss out on something or that things won’t be the same. But I beg to differ. I believe that it can truly be beneficial for ourselves, and here’s why:

A shift in perspective

Taking time away from our daily lives can send us back feeling and thinking differently about our lives. At times, we can get so used to what we do everyday, so used to the routine, that we just don’t think about what we do. But taking time off and then coming back, has us stepping back into our lives with fresh minds, and that’s honestly a lovely feeling.

We appreciate the things around us more

After spending some time away, maybe from friends or the internet, you come back with a much bigger sense of appreciation for the things you went without for however long you ‘disconnected’ for. In my case, I came to appreciate my friends so much more and I felt that I appreciated the world around me more, after seeing beautiful sunsets and gorgeous beaches and fantastic landscapes around me for the few days I was away for my trip. 

It clears your mind

It’s like an extended version of a ‘me-time’ day, really. Of course in life, we can go through stresses and our mind can get really built up with junk, just the way our hair can get full of buildup and oil that sometimes we need a little deep cleansing to get it back to being fresh and clean. The same goes for our mind, body and soul and taking time away from it all definitely helps this. 

This was honestly a really short and sweet blog post and a reminder that sometimes, it’s perfectly okay to pack your bags and spend a few days away from everything – there is totally nothing to fear from it. It’s healthy and it’s wonderful. Sometimes we need to take the time to just explore, sate that hunger for travel or whatever it is you don’t get to do very often. 

How do you ‘disconnect to reconnect’?

26 responses to “Disconnect to Reconnect // Monday Musings”

  1. Yo if I lived in West Aussieland, I’d totally go visit the Quokkas every weekend or something. (I’m completely seriously.) But on the topic at hand, when I’m out with friends at dinner, we often play the game where you stack your phones on the table and no one’s allowed to touch it until the dinners over. And if you do, you gotta pay for everyone’s bill. I guess that’s just one contemporary way to disconnect to reconnect haha.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I still haven’t seen a Quokka, actually! I think they’re more populated to one of the islands over here – Rottnest I think, but I might be wrong (my memory is so bad).
      Oooh, that’s a cool idea! I should try that with my friends, mwahaha, they are very connected to their phones.


  2. Ah, Josie, this was a terrific and well-written post! I completely agree – I crave the time to disconnect/step back from my everyday routines, as I’ve found it so beneficial to my motivation and mental well-being! I think that’s why I love summer vacation so much; it’s one of the few times of the year where I feel as if I’m not obligated to do anything {i.e. school work, extracurriculars, etc.}.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Bella! Oh yes, the summer break when you’re free from all of those obligations, it’s always a good feeling to just relax and just reinvigorate yourself!


  3. I loved this post, Josie! I’m glad you had a great time! I think this is a really important message – especially now, when people use technology so much. Sometimes I like to go on a technology ban to clear my head a bit, or go for a dip in the ocean. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s always great to step away from technology for a while. It feels so good for you, and you really gain your ground back when you do so.
      I’m glad you enjoyed it!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m so glad you had that time off for yourself Josie! It sounds like you had loads of fun. I do the same thing really, just give myself a little “me-time.” Last weekend I spent two days without a laptop, just either reading or studying from my textbooks instead of getting inundated by all that’s happening in the world. I’m so glad you can reconnect in the end!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Aila, I definitely had a wonderful time! That’s great that you gave yourself a little bit of me-time, it’s pulls your focus towards the important things and leaves your mind less jumbled!
      Thank you. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m so glad that you took this nice trip! It seems to have really cleared your head… WHERE IS MY PASSPORT?! *hehehe*

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad too! Now yes, you must make your own trip! Go go go! 😋

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hehe I wish! Maybe when I’m in college. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Very relevant topic. Sometimes I go on a digital plus technology ban. It helps me rewind. And when the internet is down I feel there is SO MUCH time at hand.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yes I know what you mean! When the power goes out sometimes, you get that strange, fresh sensation and it absolutely does feel as though you have a ton of time on your hands 😊


  7. I love this post so much Josie! You’re totally right, sometimes these road trips and being away from home make a huge difference in your perspective, and it’s important to do so every once in a while. It sounds like you had a really lovely time!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Jeann! Road trips are just so refreshing, just the feeling of waking up in a totally different place really makes you feel different.
      And I did have an amazing time! 😊


  8. I love disconnecting for a while and just enjoy the nature. I haven’t done it in a while but my family and I used to do it all the time and it was wonderful. 💖

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s awesome to hear! I hope you get to do it again sometime soon, it really is awesome. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. What a thoughtful post! I’ve just discovered your blog and it’s honestly so beautiful! I absolutely love your layout and content! You’ve definitely gained a new follower!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Sam! That’s so sweet of you, I’m happy that you like it. 😊


  10. What a great post, Josie. “Disconnect to reconnect” is so important for all of us to do sometimes. Your vivid description of the ghost town-like place you and your friends visited made me feel like being there. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Eve, it really is an important thing to do in our lives sometimes. 😊
      Oh trust me, describing it made me feel like going back there!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Wesaun @ Oreos and Books Avatar
    Wesaun @ Oreos and Books

    This is such a beautiful and accurate post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, I’m glad you think so!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. This was such a great post to read, and I’m so happy you had a great time with your friends. I’m not able to go on a road trip or even disconnect for a few days lately, and that’s too bad, because I feel like I could use some of that peacefulness and happiness you seem to have going on thanks to that 😀 I have to say, for me, the best way to disconnect, is to travel, really. Even with my phone in my bag, I’m discovering new places and new people and a whole new place in the world, and that’s what makes me the happiest. Great post, Josie!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Marie, I’m glad you enjoyed the post! 🙂 It’s a shame to hear that you don’t have the time or opportunity at the moment to do any disconnecting for yourself. Truly, travelling is one of the best ways to disconnect, I agree! It’s such a beautiful thing that just energizes you, am I right? 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It really is…well, I can’t wait for July to be here already, haha! 🙂 It really does, it’s better than drinking coffee or taking vitamins or ANYTHING! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

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