I’m So Thankful For These Things That Make The Bookworm Life Great | Top Ten Tuesday


Hello bookworms! While Thanksgiving is an American tradition – and I am nowhere near close to the American culture, being that I live in Australia and my nationality is half Malaysian and half British – BUT being thankful never hurt anyone! 
And so this week, in recognition of Thanksgiving, The Broke and the Bookish have given us a freebie for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday! Woo hoo! 


1. These beautiful things called BOOKS

OBVIOUSLY. I’ve got to get this out of the way first because, without books, I WOULDN’T BE A BOOKWORM. And if I wasn’t a bookworm, I’d be a pretty dull person. Or I might have ended up as one of those sad kids that do nothing with their lives… (although I wouldn’t call isolating yourself from the world to read books and cry over your fictional boyfriends doing something with your life either, but hey!)

2. The memory bank for my bookish mind: GOODREADS

I have over 600 books recorded on my Goodreads account, and almost 500 books on my to-read list. There is no way in this world or any other alternate universe, that I would have a memory capacity big enough to remember all these books. GOODREADS YOU’RE A SAVIOUR.

Not only that, I love to track my reading progress, and Goodreads lets me do that! Honestly, there’s a sense of accomplishment I get when tracking my progress, and seeing that page number turn into a percentage. Is it just me? 

3. Bookish blogs + an epic bookworm community

Being a bookworm on your own is not fun. If you’ve ever tried fangirling and raving about a book to your friends who have no interest in reading books, you’ll understand my feels. Being a bookworm on your own is no fun at all. 

Which is why I am SO INCREDIBLY THANKFUL for book blogging, which brings this global community of book lovers together, not only through a range of blogging platforms but also through social media such as Twitter, Goodreads, Instagram, Tumblr, the community is wide-reaching, meaning you will never run out of people to fangirl/fanboy with. THANK GOODNESS.


The only thing I love more than reading books is LOOKING AT THE PRETTINESS OF SAID BOOKS. Just look at the gorgeousness of the pictures above. Bookstagram is something I am incredibly thankful for. Thank you, bookstagrammers, for posting such pretty pictures that cause me to lose hours of my life staring at them and crying because… SO PRETTY.

Click here to see a great post that recommends ten amazing bookstagrammers!

5. I may or may not be a little obsessed with cute bookmarks

It’s… it’s so… so… SO PRETTY! Bookmarks just make being a bookworm so much better. While I myself do not own cute little bookmarks such as the ones in the picture above, I do collect some gorgeous bookmarks. But I need these in my life. I need more unique bookmarks in my life, because just… LOOK AT IT. I honestly don’t even need to say anything. IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF.

6. The fan art… YAAAAS

This Dorian art... Oh, my heart! [Scars - Dorian by taratjah on DeviantArt]:
Dorian… *swoons*
Holy crap--this Rowan fan-art is AMAZING/perfect. [Rowan by taratjah]:
AND TAKE A LOOK AT MY FAVOURITE BOOK BOYFRIEND. ROWAN. Bae for life. Please come alive. For me.

Fan art is like the cherry on top of the reading experience. The Throne of Glass fan art is especially what gets me swooning and squealing like a ridiculous person. And I am not ashamed. The only thing that makes me sad is that I’m not artistic enough to make my own fan art *cries*. Now that I’m looking at Throne of Glass fan art, this blog post is going to take another three hours to write. Woops.

7. When music matches perfectly with a book

When you’re listening to a song and it suddenly reminds you of your favourite book: you cannot deny this is one of the most glorious moments of your life. It calls for intense fangirling and frantic tweeting for someone to relate to you. This happened to me recently with the Throne of Glass series  and Halsey’s music, and when I realised other people agreed, I almost died. I’m so thankful for this, because it makes being a bookworm in conjunction with a music lover, the best thing EVER.

8. Bookish Events

I’ve personally never been to any bookish events (cue crying in my lonely corner), but I’m constantly seeing people publish posts about their experiences at multiple book events and it’s just fabulous. It’s possibly the best way to meet up in real life with all your bookworm friends, and fangirl about books and meet your favourite authors, all at the same time! This is high on my bucket list of things to do before I die. (If I ever get over my anxiety of doing something new and being around a bunch of strangers – even if they are fellow bookworms)

PHEW! Well, I didn’t exactly get up to 10, but that’s okay. I’ll let all you bookworms fill in the blanks of the last two, because honestly my brain is a pile of mush right now. And also because I want to read and finish The Shock of the Fall tonight. 

What are the things you’re thankful for that make your bookish life better? 


60 responses to “I’m So Thankful For These Things That Make The Bookworm Life Great | Top Ten Tuesday”

  1. Spot-on list as always, Josie! Honestly, whoever created Goodreads deserves a massive bear hug, because honestly, I don’t know what I’d do without it. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Analee! I really need to meet the mind behind Goodreads. I might burst into happy tears!

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  2. […] I listed the things I am thankful for that made my life as a bookworm awesome […]


  3. Waaaa Josie that’s a very cute bookmark! Is that from Etsy? I love it love it love it!
    I’ve seen a couple of bloggers posting up their bookshelves where they stack books with the same colors together like how you did here. Gah it’s lovely! I’m tempted to do that but I’m torn between that and separating my series! :”>
    Oh and those TOG fanarts are too die for! But please somebody make my Chaol caricature LOL.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Eeek I know!!! I think they are from Etsy, but I’m not sure. I know someone owns and sells these, either on Etsy or their own website!
      Yes to the TOG fan art, omg 💓


  4. YES! I’m thankful for all of those things on the list! (I think Goodreads should add the half star rating system though) And I’m also thankful for people who are able to create perfect edits about books that will hit me right in the feels. They’re AWESOME and I really appreciate those edits.💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh my gosh yes, people with the ability to do that are amazing, I bow to them! 😍


  5. It’s not just you! I love seeing the percentage 😊 Goodreads is the best invention for bookworms (after books themselves of course). AND YES WHEN MUSIC MATCHES WITH A BOOK – THAT IS ONE OF THE BEST MOMENTS EVER. It’s such a mindblowing moment haha. And yes – Halsey + ToG is just ❤ Especially Control is awesome for Aelin (I'm not going to call her Celaena anymore because every time I doubt I spelled it right XD besides she goes by Aelin now so *shrugs*)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay, I’m glad I’m not the only one! 😊
      YES YES. PERFECTION! I can’t even describe how happy I feel about how Halsey and ToG just perfect each other.

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      1. If ToG really becomes a tv show, Halsey should do the entire soundtrack 😍

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  6. Great post, as always! I totally agree with all your reasons, especially the first 3 and #8. And YES to pretty books! I mean, I probably spend more time looking at books than actually reading them, so why not make them all pretty?! I’ve gone to about 6 book events so far and they have been so awesome! Except I always get super nervous when it comes to the author signings because OH MY GOSH, I ACTUALLY HAVE TO TALK TO THEM?! It’s quite nerve-wracking to try to come up with a decent conversation with one of your favorite authors that you’ve looked up to and fangirled about for years. Nevertheless, they’re still super awesome.

    Also, I have a question: Could you possibly tell me how to change the size of the text on your posts? Is it super complicated or is it just an option on wordpress? I’m super bad with technology, so a bit of help on this would be much appreciated! Thanks! 😀 x

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    1. Oh, and I forgot to add: Isn’t it just wonderful when you hear a song that perfectly matches with a book or movie? Yesterday I heard the theme song from the If I Stay movie (“Say something, I’m giving up on you….”) and it reminded me of the movie and I totally got goosebumps because OH MY GOSH SO GOOD.

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    2. Agh I’m so jealous that you’ve been to so many book events! But I totally understand being nervous about talking to authors. It’s like: WHAT EVEN ARE WORDS I CANT I CANT.

      Oh Paige it is SUPER SIMPLE! It’s a HTML coding trick! You know how on the WordPress post editor there’s an option for “HTML” editing which shows all these weird numbers and letters strung together? You go to this setting on the editor and you find the sentence you want to make smaller and at the beginning you type and at the end you type to close the small font and prevent from making your entire post in small font. I’ll email you a link to a page that tells you all kinds of great HTML coding to customise your site! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks so much! I really appreciate it! 💕

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  7. Lol!!! I love those book marks:D I NEED those in my possession. I have this bookmark that is so cute. It is a big clip with this rabbit with. It looks like there is a rabbit sticking out of my book.

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    1. Aw that’s SO CUTE! 😝

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      1. LoL!!! I wish I can show it to you:)

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  8. Can you imagine what the online book community would be like if there was no Goodreads? Dang. WHAT IS A TBR?!

    But seriously, you should band together with fellow Aussie bloggers in your area and start an event! You can even start small at one of your next public holidays (is Christmas big there?). Do it up!

    Joey via. thoughts and afterthoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh gosh our community would be quite chaotic! But I’m sure one of us creative little bookworms would pick up the idea and create it anyway so 😝
      But yes I really should! First I have to get past my anxiety of meeting new people and doing new things! That’s most of a roadblock for me. And Christmas is fairly big here, yes! Maybe not so much as other countries but yes.


  9. I totally agree with you on all of these especially the first three! Aww…Those bookmarks looks so cute! Great post! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay! Yes the first three are very relatable! 😊 Thank you Raven!

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  10. Books are what make us bookworms 🙂 I too want to go to bookish event! I can relate to almost all of these. What a great list!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Let’s hope that we both get to go to a bookish event sometime in the near future! 😊

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  11. Yes to everything on this list. The fan art and music is a particular favourite of mine. I’m just awed by how talented the bookish community is. I could easily spend a day just browsing through the fan art. I too would love to go a book event and hopefully I’ll get the chance next year.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Indeed I admire people who do fan art so much! Honestly I wish I could do it myself.
      Hopefully we go to one next year! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Such a great post! 😀
    I definitely agree with you on all of these!
    I am obsessed with bookmarks too. I have SO many and you think picking a book to read next is hard? It’s even harder choosing which bookmark to use with your book! haha. 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh my gosh yes! I have to actually stop and think about what bookmark I’m going to use! Haha oh gosh we face so many struggles 😊

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  13. I totally agree with all of this!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad that you do! I’m sure all bookworms can agree with these.


  14. I agree with all these Josie! Being a bookworm is fantastic. 🙂 My TTT

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I’m so glad to be a bookworm!

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  15. Oh yeah, I love seeing the percentage at goodreads too. And yes to the fanart!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s just a great feeling to know how far in you are by percentage, right?!
      Always yes to fan art! 😊

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  16. I LOVE your list! I never paid much attention to fan art until I started reading & now fan art is a MUST! *swoon*

    Bookish events are the best & I’ve made many new friends because of them.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yeah I didn’t pay might attention to it either before I read Throne of Glass but now I’m hooked as well ☺️
      I hope one day I go to a bookish event myself!

      Liked by 2 people

  17. Oh yes – goodreads is awesome, book bloggers are awesome, pretty much everything is awesome when it comes to books. Here’s mine

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Indeed! Books are just amazing all in themselves!

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  18. BIG YES to all of those! I don’t know how I survived without Goodreads, it’s just become such a fixture in my life. And the music … oh my, there are some songs that just go together with books. They belong to each other!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Goodreads is a miracle, I love whoever came up with the idea of it!
      Yep, indeed! I love when books and music come together in perfect harmony 😌

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  19. Great list!! I seriously don’t know what I’d do without Goodreads. My mind couldn’t remember all of the books I’ve read over the years. I love this bookish community so much!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly! Thank you Brandie 💕

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  20. Yaayy to ALL of these, I agree with everything!! Except maybe the bookmark thing, because well, I’m using random travel tickets and stuff as bookmarks, instead of real bookmarks. But those are so cute, I want to be using those too, haha 🙂 And what would we DO without goodreads?! I think I would just…no, I can’t imagine life without goodreads, and all the books, haha! Great post, Josie! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can never understand the use of random bits of paper as bookmarks! But I know a lot of people do that. 😊
      I know right?! We’d all be poor lost souls without Goodreads!

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      1. Ahah, it’s a little hard to understand for some people, but for me, it’s a way to keep some not so random pieces of paper with me always, too, since they’re piece of travelling journeys and memories I love to keep, too 🙂
        WE really would, I wouldn’t be able to live without it now, ahah 🙂

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  21. I can spend a super long time just browsing through the bookstagram section, there are so many gorgeous pictures in there! Check out my TTT.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know right? So much of my time everyday is spent on bookstagram! 💓

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  22. #9 Josie’s Book Corner, where we get to read fun, indepth posts about life and literature and learn about cool things like Bookstagram (I’m so checking that out as soon as I’m done typing this) and Halsey (refer to previous parenthetical statement.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. EVE YOU’RE SO SWEET! Thank you so much 😍
      You’ve never heard of bookstagram?! *gasp*

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  23. I LOVE your list Josie!!! ❤ well done! I agree with all of them, and I haven't been to a bookish event either, but I want to really bad =/

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  24. I am thankful for every single one of these.. Especially the fan art.. I was swooning too when I saw the fan art you added to post I could spend ages just looking at fan art for the TOG series! And of course the music.. Thanks to you I discovered that song by Halsey and it always makes me imagine scene’s from TOG! And yes it is one of the most glourious

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hit send before I was finished whoops..What I meant to say was Yes its is one of the most glorious moments of your life.. I’m always an emotional wreck when I realate a song to a book!

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      1. Haha oh gosh I hate when that happens! But yes indeed I’m a mess whenever it happens too!

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    2. As a fellow bookworm I would expect nothing less! 😊
      AGH I KNOW RIGHT?! So much fangirling! And I’m so glad you found that song! It gets me every time I hear it!

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      1. Haha!! So much fangirling indeed..!!

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  25. I think all o us are thankful to books and I definitely want to go to a bookish event…I’ve never been to one either so you’re not alone! Maybe we can go to one together in the future? Some books are just the prettiest and it seems like whenever I have finished reading a book every song I listen to relates to that book!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes we should totally go to a bookish event together! That would be fantastic! 😊
      I love pretty books, I wish all books had pretty covers but then again you can’t please everyone!
      Really?! That doesn’t happen for me, actually finding songs that relate to a book is a rare thing for me!

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      1. I’d love to go to a bookish event with you! We can all go with Enisha! I love pretty books!

        Liked by 2 people

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