Monthly TBR | July

July TBR List!

Hello bookworms! It is officially the first of July. We are half way through the year. Woah. Anyway, I am here to bring to you my July TBR. If you don’t know what a TBR List is, it is a list of to-be-read books for the month. So without further ado, here’s the books I want to read this month…

Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick


I’m already over 20% through this book as of now, and so far I’m enjoying it. It’s giving me Twilight vibes. I don’t know if it’s supposed to, but it totally is. 

Supposedly, this novel is about a girl named Nora who gets partnered by with a guy named Patch who is extremely mysterious and stalker-ish in Nora’s eyes. 

Nora suddenly gets caught in a battle between the immortal and the fallen – fallen angels, as it is indicated in the blurb of the book. 

It sounds interesting and enjoyable, but I’ve heard mixed things about it. I’m hoping to finish this in a few days!

Magonia by Maria Dahvana Headley


I bought this book recently as a birthday present for myself and I was so excited. I’m still so excited to read it! The cover is gorgeous and feels so great and the story sounds incredibly intriguing. 

It’s about a girl named Aza who suffers from a lung disease. One day, she sees a ship in the sky, but she is dismissed by her family as being a hallucination. But that is not the case.

One day, something goes wrong and Ava finds herself in a magical world called Magonia, where she somehow does not suffer from lung disease and she has power.

She finds out that a war is coming to Earth and Magonia, and it is in her hands to stop it. 

Doesn’t that sound fascinating? I’m so excited to get to this. Have any of you read this? What did you think of it?

To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee


This is a classic that I do not need to explain. You are probably all yelling at me, telling me to pick it up right now. I know, I know, I’m going to read it! Chill!

Since Go Set A Watchman is coming out this year, I need to read this book first! I’m so excited because I missed out on studying it in school last year, which actually made me very sad. Is that weird? 

But either way, I also bought this book as one of my birthday presents. I don’t have this particular version, but an equally pretty version indeed. 

Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare


Anjie @ Love Thy Shelf who you should all definitely check out, has been telling me to pick this book up, and so I bought it. This month, I’m feeling like getting back into Cassandra Clare.

I want to share the love of Will Herondale and all the other amazing – or so people say – characters.

This is a Shadowhunter series. It apparently has steampunk elements in it, but basically it’s set in London in the 1800s, where a girl named Tessa ventures into the underworld to find her brother, who is missing, or kidnapped. She finds herself having to team up with the Shadowhunters, who kill demons for a living, in order to get him back. 

You guys have no idea how excited I am for this book.

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness


Ever since reading A Monster Calls, I’ve been wanting to read more of Patrick Ness’s work. I know that this series – Chaos Walking series – is extremely popular for Patrick Ness fans. Not just that, the synopsis sounds absolutely unique and incredible:

Prentisstown isn’t like other towns. Everyone can hear everyone else’s thoughts in an overwhelming, never-ending stream of Noise. Just a month away from the birthday that will make him a man, Todd and his dog, Manchee — whose thoughts Todd can hear too, whether he wants to or not — stumble upon an area of complete silence. They find that in a town where privacy is impossible, something terrible has been hidden — a secret so awful that Todd and Manchee must run for their lives.

Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi


I’ve been meaning to read this series basically since I started this blog. That was back in January. And I am so happy to finally have it in my hands!

It’s about a girl named Juliette who has the ability to kill people with her touch. She is locked up by what I guess is the political/control group in this society called The Reestablishment.

However, as the threat of war starts to rise on the Reestablishment, they decide to use Juliette for her powers. And everything goes on from there. 

I’m excited to see if I fall in love with Warner, or totally hate him. And there’s also been mixed feelings about this book. We shall see. 

The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter


I’ve had this book for a while now, so I thought that I might as well pick it up if I have the time. 

This is a Hades and Persephone re-telling as I remember from when this book was sort of radiating around the booktube community. 

It’s about a girl named Kate, who meets a man named Henry, supposedly, Hades – King of the Underworld. He offers Kate a deal to keep her dying mother alive if Kate can pass seven tests and become his bride. 

I’ve heard mixed things about it, so we’ll see if I like it, love it, dislike it or hate it! 

I’m going to cut it there, before this TBR gets a bit too ambitious for my tastes. Hopefully I’ll be able to get most of these books read by the end of July since my holdiays start in a few days.

What books are on your TBR for July?

josiethebookworm xoxo

38 responses to “Monthly TBR | July”

  1. Magonia is really good

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you think so! Im almost done with it but sadly its only going to be a 3 star book for me! xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  2. […] sure you all already have heard of this book on my blog through my July TBR post. I strolled into the book store, saw this book, picked it up, stroked the cover and thought: You […]


  3. OMG great TBR, Josie!!! I read and enjoyed all except Magonia, which I haven’t read yet but will be reading this month. 😉 I really hope you enjoy it! I’ve heard great things.

    And you’re right, Hush Hush does have a lot of mixed reviews and does give off some Twilight vibes. I read it earlier in the year and I personally liked it, although the main character, Nora, got on my nerves. I’ll be looking forward to your thoughts on it!
    Can’t wait till you read To Kill a Mockingbird! 😉 It’s a great book.
    And oh my god!!! You absolutely HAVE to read Clockwork Angel! You will love Will Herondale, and the plot is simply so intriguing! I can’t wait to see your thoughts on it!
    The Knife of Never Letting Go is another great book that you must read! While you read that book, I’ll be reading A Monster Calls, ha ha. Hopefully we’ll both enjoy our respective Patrick Ness books! XD
    And omg you have no idea as to how excited I am for you to read Shatter Me!! There are mixed reviews on it, but I feel like once you get used to the writing style and everything, you’ll love the story. And the series only gets better, in my opinion! Especially the third book. ❤
    I also really enjoyed The Goddess Test, I gave it 4 stars I think, it was a refreshing take on the Persephone & Hades myth, and puts an interesting spin on the role of the Greek gods and goddesses. Hope you enjoy it as well!

    This is a long comment, but I couldn't help it! You have so many great books on here, and I really hope you enjoy them all. ❤ Happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. EEP! Thank you!
      I’m so glad that you’re also reading Magonia this month. It does really sound great.
      I hope I finish Hush, Hush this weekend so I can tell you my thoughts next week. I have a feeling I’ll enjoy it, there’s such a strong sense of mystery though, and it’s slightly overwhelming me. I want it to get to the point of discovery already!!
      I’m going to DEVOUR To Kill a Mockingbird. It’s a classic which I am going to love dearly, even if it takes me a bit longer to read. I’m going to savor it.
      CLOCKWORK ANGEL! I’ve been meaning to read it for so long. It’s high time I did. I’m so excited to get lost in the wonderful world of Cassandra Clare’s writing.
      Eek, Shatter Me has been on my TBR for far too long. I’m also probably just as excited as you are! I flipped through and did notice some unique writing styles in there with the crossed out words and such.
      Glad you liked The Goddess Test!

      I’m perfectly fine with this long comment! I love it! I feel like you genuinely read my post and you want to talk to me. You’ve made me so excited that I think I’m going to get off and start reading Hush, Hush. It’s 8:30 in the morning! But…it’s never too early to read. Thank you so much. xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. XD Right? The concept sounds so unique!
        Yay! I’m so glad you think you’ll be enjoying it. I’ll be on the lookout for your thoughts on it. 😉
        Ha ha I know what you mean, To Kill a Mockingbird did take me a bit longer than usual to read, but I really enjoyed it.
        It IS high time you read it! 😛 I have a feeling you’ll love it.
        Yes, exactly, and although it may take some time to get used to, the significance of it is quite meaningful and interesting to read. ❤

        Glad to hear my long comment isn't bothersome! I tend to talk a lot (or in this case, type) when I'm fangirling and I'm always worried other people find it annoying or something. 🙂 I'm so happy to hear you don't!
        And true that, reading is timeless! Have a great weekend, and happy reading!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I read Magonia last month and it was a very intriguing book. Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s good to hear! Thank you for stopping by. xoxo


  5. I’ll be reading Magonia this month as well and I’m excited for it!
    I hope you will love The Knife of Never Letting Go. The Chaos Walking trilogy is one of my all-time favourite series!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So glad to hear you’re reading it too! Looks like we are going to get a bit of feedback on this book this month. It’ll soon be hyped up on the blogosphere, I bet.
      I hope so too! xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  6. alyssatheliteraturenerd Avatar

    This is a really great list! I am also planning on reading Magonia this month, too. Patrick Ness is not an author you only read one book from. The Knife of Never Letting Go was such a great book. I have read the first two books and love them both. I’m waiting for BookOutlet to get Monsters of Men because I’m weird and really want to own every Patrick Ness book before I read them from now on. Clockwork Angel is so good. Personally I preferred Jem but both boys are so swoon worthy. I had to read To Kill A Mockingbird for school and I liked it a lot. I don’t think I’m going to read the sequel though.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m excited that you’re reading Magonia this month!
      Yep, I know what you mean, I have the urge to read every Patrick Ness book there is.
      Im anticipating to see which characters I prefer!
      Ah, I see. 😁


  7. Clockwork Angel is so good! I haven’t read any of the others, but The Knife of Never Letting Go is one I’ve been meaning to get to

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay! I’m excited!
      The Knife of Never letting go just sounds so intriguing.


  8. Claudia Victoria Avatar
    Claudia Victoria

    It’s almost certain you’ll fall in love with Will Herondale. It’s just a fact of life.

    I’ve read Magonia and I can tell you the writing is just so…wow. It’s so different from the rest but so captivating and enchanting. You’ll either love it or you’ll hate it. I loved it. The world is SO ORIGINAL which is really hard to come by these days. It’s based on new myths and stories, which makes it a breath of fresh air in the YA genre.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m excited!
      Yeah, I’ve heard many say that the writing is amazing but the story itself is a bit of a let down. We’ll see. I really like that idea that it’s based off something completely new! 😄


  9. I’m planning on finishing Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte (I’m doing it for school), Through the looking glass by C.S. Lewis,The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan and Will Grayson, Will Grayson by john Green

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s great! I hope you do a review of Jane Eyre, I’m contemplating picking it up.
      I’ve read good things about Will Grayson, Will Grayson. I hope you have a great reading month!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. thanks! so far both are going great! look foward to a review on both books in the upcoming weeks

        Liked by 1 person

  10. They all look awesome! I am going to read Magonia soon as well. The story seems quite interesting!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I’m glad you’re reading it. Maybe we will be able to share our thoughts on the book later on in the month! xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Okay, you’ve got an amazing list here. As I was scrolling down, my “omgs” kept getting louder haha. I can’t wait to see what you think of Hush, Hush. I read it and personally loved it but you’re right, very mixed reviews. Yes, yes, yes to To Kill a Mockingbird!! I am so excited that you’re reading Clockwork Angel!!! You’ll get to meet Will Herondale! Jem Carstairs is great, too. I also have to read The Knife of Never Letter Go, that one has been on my shelf for years now lol. I loved Shatter Me! I never continued the trilogy because I didn’t like how it ended but the first book was so great. Can’t wait to hear what you think of it and if you like Warner and so on haha. I loved The Goddess Test! The book is so unknown haha but I took a chance on it cause I love Greek myth. It’s different from Rick Riordan, I’ll tell you that. It’s less complicated than the demigods/gods/titans war and you see a different side to the gods. I thought it was fun haha — and I loove Hades here haha which I couldn’t say the same in Percy Jackson series lol.

    So I’ve pretty much read most of your books here except like two lol and I’ve never heard of Magonia but it looks inreresting! Such a great month ahead of you! Can’t wait haha

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh my, I’m so glad this lost gave you such excitement! Its rubbing off on me!!
      I’m almost halfway through Hush, Hush and its really gripping me. Currently reading it now while simultaneously replying to your comment!
      I’m so excited for To Kill A Mockingbird and Clockwork Angel – I want to meet Will and Jem and Tessa and jump back into the Shadowhunter world.
      I hope you read The Knife of Never Letting Go soon!
      Oh, that’s a shame! The covers for the Shatter Me trilogy were what grabbed me initially.
      I personally love Greek mythology so I’m so excited for The Goddess Test. I really want to see how they portray Hades! I will definitely keep that in mind. I love Rick Riordan’s approach to Greek mythology though!

      That’s so awesome that you’ve read most of these. Magonia has been on a slight hype of book tube and when I watched a video for it, I fell in love with the cover.
      I’m so excited!!!! Ah, thank you! xoxo 😄💝


      1. Can’t wait to read your review of Hush, Hush! What was the last shadowhunter book you read? Did you finish the Mortal Instruments series? I just started reading Clockwork Angel haha. Greek mythology is what drew me to Goddess Test. After I finished PJO and waited for the rest of HoO to come out, I tried to find more Greek myth books, didn’t find too many unfortunately lol

        Liked by 1 person

      2. The Mortal Instruments series was the last I read and that was a while ago!
        Aw, that’s unfortunate!

        Liked by 1 person

  12. Shatter Me is a great series and I’m damn sure you’ll love it, Hush Hush is also a good one cause I’ve read the book but I’ve got to read the other three books so maybe someday I’ll finish them In a go.I have my doubts with magonia, so if you like it then I may consider reading it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m sure I’ll love Shatter Me too and I hope Hush Hush is a good read!
      I say, just try it. I know that many people have low ratings of Magonia, but I guess I’ll only find out if I read it! xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Awesome July TBR! 🙂
    I’m really hoping I get to Magonia and Shatter Me this month too.
    I also at some point this year want to read The Knife of Never Letting Go too. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! 😄
      I hope you get to them! I’m really anticipating The Knife of Never Letting Go, the synopsis has me hooked and Patrick Ness is an amazing writer.

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  14. I wish I could set a monthly TBR, but my moodiness won’t allow it. I remember loving Hush, Hush when I read it. I read it after my Twilight series binge, and you’re right – it felt a lot like reading Twilight back then. I was trying to devour any and all books that resembled Twilight in those days. Hope you enjoy your books!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, I know how you feel. However, I make my TBRs so that I don’t end up finishing a book and then spending about 3 days picking up a multitude of different books because I can’t decide! Having an idea of what I’m going to read next and what I’m going to read after THAT is really comforting.

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      1. I kinda of do that, in a way. I save a handful of books on the main screen of my Kindle and try to narrow down what I’m going to read from those. But right now, I have about 20 saved, which isn’t going to make it easy for me. lol. I normally only have about 5 or 6 saved to my main screen, but lately I’ve added so many good ones.

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  15. Hi, Josie! Very nice picks you’ve got there!

    Hmm most reviews I have read have not been very kind to Hush, Hush and quite frankly it does not sounds like something I would enjoy; I hope you have a good experience.

    I also fell in love with the cover of Magonia and the story sounds very interesting! So yep, I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on that, eheh. Looking forward to reading your review of it.

    Unfortunately I have not read To Kill a Mockingbird either… And don’t plan to in the near future *hides*

    I also want to read both the Patrick Ness books you mentioned, but don’t own any yet.

    Hope you manage to read all that!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, I’m slightly nervous for Hush Hush because of that!
      You should definitely pick up Magonia, I feel like its so interesting.
      Don’t hide! Its totally understandable! Classics are intimidating.
      You should definitely pick up A Monster Calls, it will make you want to read all his books!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Eheh, thanks.
        Yep, I think A Monster Calls will be my first Ness book. I just want to get my r4r and Netgalley shelves down a bit before I buy it…
        Who knows, maybe Book Depository will have it on sale and then i will stop postponing it!

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  16. Magonia! I’m so curious about this book. I hope you enjoy Clockwork Angel!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It sounds really interesting, right?!
      I hope so too! I have a feeling that I most definitely will.

      Liked by 1 person

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