Ignorance is Bliss // Thursday Ramblings


Ignorance is bliss. Well, maybe not in life situations and such, but from a bookish perspective it sure is! Let me explain myself. First of all, let’s define the term ignorance: it is the lack of knowledge or information, basically. You’re probably wondering, why is ignorance a good thing in a bookish perspective? Reading is an incredible experience; it’s magical, it’s fantastic and coming to learn about a book as we read it is a wonderful experience. One of the things that makes reading a book so great, I think, is ignorance: not knowing what a book is about, not knowing what is going to happen, not knowing much of the content. It makes reading a book a journey of discovery, and journeys are always fun.

As humans, we are naturally curious creatures. We like to know what things are about, we like to stick our noses in things. After all, why do we have news? To inform us of everything that goes on in the world. We can’t help it. But this is what I say to all you bookworms out there:


Your curiosity may just turn out to be the death of you – or should I say, the death of your potential enjoyment of a book.

Being a book blogger and book lover, I know how hard it is to go into books without any prior knowledge – especially with hyped up books. There are reviews everywhere, people are constantly talking about it, sharing it before the release date and anticipating it. Before you know it, you already know the gist of the story. And then there’s the whole case of book blurbs. While it is okay to know the general summary of a book, I’d say that it would be most beneficial for all of us, if we could go into all books in ignorance.

I love going into a book blind. It’s so exciting and the feeling, AGH THE FEELING. When you go into a book blind, you’ve got a fresh mind and you don’t go into it with expectations already planted in your head. This is great, because expectations can be very destructive to your enjoyment of a book. You can easily end up disappointing yourself. This is also why I ADORE the idea of blind dates with a book (no no, I don’t mean an actual date with an actual person, I mean, buying a book that is wrapped up so you can’t see the cover or the blurb). They cover up the books you can’t see anything except a small little note hanging off the book, with a few dot points giving a sneak peek into what the novel will be about. I love this idea! It gets you intrigued enough that you want to purchase it and see what it is all about.

Blurbs can be crippling to your reading experience too – there are many blurbs that reveal too much about a book, giving away the details that we’d want to find out as we read, rather than see it initially before reading. I’ve heard and felt this frustration first hand, and it’s not a pleasant one.

Reviews can be just as bad, or even worse. Not to say that all book reviews share too much, but I’ve seen many book reviews that say way too much in their book summaries than they should have. I appreciate someone who reviews books without a book summary beforehand – I mean, I’m reading your review to hear what was GOOD about the book, or what’s NOT GOOD about it, not because I want to know what the story is about. I want to know whether it would be a good investment to read, or not. Spare me the unnecessary and rather too-much-information summary. I’ve seen some reviews that suggest to their readers to go into the book without knowing much, in which they refrain from revealing much about the book except for the very, simple basics of it e.g. genre, theme, style of the book. This is a good way to go, in my opinion.

Though, maybe you’re the kind of reader that loves to read the blurb, or read millions (okay… maybe not millions but you get my drift) of reviews before you jump into the book – if so, I’m not judging, this is a JUDGE FREE ZONE GUYS – then I say do what floats your boat! But I say to you, ignorance is bliss. Going into a book with ignorance helps to relieve some of the crazy hype that some books have. Of course, you may avoid the more intense blows of hype, but the hype will still be there.

Especially if you’re a Twitter user: YOU CAN’T ESCAPE THE HYPE. (Or maybe you can, if you really try.)

Anyway. I’ve had enough of my own virtual voice. Now I’m throwing out this Thursday Ramblings discussion to YOU.

What do YOU think about going into a book with ignorance?

What is your process before jumping into a book?

31 responses to “Ignorance is Bliss // Thursday Ramblings”

  1. […] But what’s the point of my rambling on right now? It’s not to tell you how book reviews should be written. No, everyone has their own personal style, and I believe they should flaunt that. I’m here to discuss the unimportance of plot summaries in book reviews. Like I mentioned before, most people, in their reviews, start off by giving a small – or large – plot summary before jumping in to their personal review. I don’t do this, because, obviously, I feel like they are not needed. This discussion corresponds somewhat to my last discussion post where I pondered the benefits of going into a book in ignorance. […]


  2. […] Ignorance Is Bliss: here, I explained how we should go into books blind […]


  3. Going into a book blind can definitely prove to be a good tactic for sure at times! There’s just such a thrill to find out how the story goes as you read it, instead of knowing beforehand. For me, I think it just happens unintentionally; I’d read the summary of the book and everything, but once I actually read the book, I kind of don’t remember?? It’s not even on purpose or anything, lol.
    Great post, Josie! I’ve missed you. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s awesome to know it happens unintentionally! This is the part where we actually LIKE forgetting things, woo!
      Thank you Analee, IVE MISSED YOU TOO ❤️

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  4. I always read the blurb, just so that I know whether I will be interested in the book, but I never read reviews before I read a book, unless I’m not sure, and then I only look at the ratings!

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    1. That’s true. I tend you read blurbs also, but some of them can spoil some of the really good parts of a book.

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      1. This is true. Annoying when they do.

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  5. Lovely post, Josephine! I always love going into books without any idea. I just let the surprises take me and BAM! 😀 Doing this is good because I don’t set any level of expectations. As for the hype, it can be a hit or miss to me.. I’m done joining the bandwagon. haha

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! Going into books without that initial expectation is so great!

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  6. I nearly always go into a book blind. I’ll know a tiny bit about the story, or what genre it is, but normally I get recommendations from people with a really similar taste to me and trust them. Either that, or I’ll read the synopsis and add it to my TBR, but by the time I buy & read it, I’ll not remember anything about it and go into it blind, trusting that it sounded interesting to me at one point. It really bugs me when a synopsis gives too much away though! Whenever I’m writing up a book review and the synopsis on Goodreads is different to the one on the back cover, I’ll always choose the one that gives the least away, so the readers have more to discover themselves 🙂 I also always link the Goodreads page though, in case they want more.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, yep I get what you mean, I tend to do that too – I buy a book but don’t read it until quite later on when I’ve already forgotten why I bought it in the first place!
      It always frustrates me how some synopsises give away WAY TOO MUCH. We need to learn how to write proper synopsises!

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  7. Going blindly is a interesting way of increasing your enjoyability of reading the book but sometimes it may backfire on you when it turns out pretty bad and you couldn’t able to get into it. Great post! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh indeed, it’s a hit or miss thing! Thank you Raven. 😊

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  8. For me, I generally like knowing a bit about a book before going in and I generally read quite a few reviews before I read a book as I’m a sensitive reader and I always want to make sure that there’s not going to be something that will upset me when I read a book. However, the other day I was reading a book that I knew pretty much nothing about and I found it quite…exhilarating to actually read a book without knowing a lot of what’s going to happen. So that’s definitely something I’m going to try more of: not reading as many reviews and falling prey to all the spoilery hype things surrounding the book. Wonderful post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, I suppose it’s good to read reviews for the purpose of making sure nothing will take you by surprise, such as a certain trigger warning.
      Thank you! 😊


  9. You have no idea the times I’ve spoiled myself because someone happened to say something along the lines of ‘can you believe THAT just happened??’ and I just can’t resist finding out exactly what *that* is. I can get behind blurbs and reviews, but twitter can be a curse sometimes when it comes to conserving the mystery of a highly anticipated book.

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    1. Oh no, I hate when that happens! That’s when we need a little bit of self control, hey?

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      1. Self-control is something I really need to work on when it comes to situations like these…

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  10. HYPE IS A DIABOLICAL LITTLE FIEND I CAN NOT ESCAPE IT. I love love love going into books blind, I love having a fresh mind, but I have zero self-control. I GO GOODREADSING. I CAN’T HELP IT. I want to know. I am a curious cat. It kills me. BUT. BUT. While curiosity might have killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back.
    It’s not entirely bad, though. If you don’t have a whole lot of time to read you can decide what books are worth are reading by going through reviews.
    But still. Darn my curiosity. Darn the hype.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Darn curiosity and hype indeed! But I get what you mean, sometimes we just need to know! We need to know if a book is worth our PRECIOUS time, because heck, we don’t have much of it.

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  11. You know, you are so right! I am definitely one who has fallen for hyped up books and I have also been a hype promoter. It is refreshing to just pick up a book that catches your eye and jump in blindly! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Yes it’s an exciting feeling, one I love to feel!


  12. I totally get what you mean. Going in blind into a book is the best! My reviews only have the Goodreads blurb and then I barely mention any plot-related things at all. I rather talk about characters, the world-building, style of writing and pacing. I think that’s mostly just because I think it would be boring if I just told the entire plot again, however, I do say a little bit about it if I find the blurb misleading!

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    1. Yes, that’s how I also do my reviews. But I also do talk about the plot, only the elements of the plot though and not the actual storyline.
      It is definitely boring to reiterate the plot!

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  13. Once again, what a great discussion topic 🙂 It is true, that once you get in the bookblogging world it is super hard not to read some stuff. Sometimes I wonder if it’s that good that we are THAT connected via bookish social networks like twitter or goodreads.

    Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s great but could also be a big inconvenience when the hype train arrives as you say, because, well, all the mystery is lost. Bloggers might share too many details and forget this might be a little bit unconsidered with the people following their feed if they have not read the book yet. And don’t get me started on the spoilers, ha! (SERIOUSLY people, just give a warning or something,it will take you 2 words and 5 seconds: SPOILERS AHEAD). Fortunately, this is one con against all the lovely pros that being connected with your fellow bloggers has 🙂

    Either way, for me it’s very hard to go for a book blindly – it’s not in my controlling nature haha – but when I do and I end up loving the book, I must agree with you: ignorance is bliss.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES, it’s all about having that mystery when you go into reading a book! Agh and spoilers are the WORST! It’s so sad, when people don’t warn you – like COME ON how hard is it, right?!
      Yay! 😄

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  14. This is such a wonderful post Josie! To be honest if a blogger summarises the plot, I always skim past it because I want to hear what they thought about it – not just a regurgitation of what happens! I love going into a book blind or without any preconceived notions too. Unfortunately that’s pretty hard seeing as we read so many reviews!

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    1. Me too, I almost never read their plot summaries unless I have never heard of the book – and still, I skim too.
      Yes, it’s a struggle for us book bloggers!


  15. I’m now going to question whether I write a little synopsis of the story in my reviews, or not, hahahaha.
    I have to say, you’re definitely right about this: there’s Nothing like starting a book without any expectations, without even knowing too much, and discovering it yourself, being surprised, shocked, or annoyed, but discovering it. That’s amazing. BUT HOW? I mean, as book bloggers, it’s so hard to escape book reviews, and oh the hype, I can’t escape it, if you know how to, I would love some tips, haha.
    I too rarely jump into a book completely blind. I choose books because of the synopsis, advice from friends and book bloggers, good reviews, and sometimes because I’m curious, hype. BUT sometimes I want to read a book because of its cover or just ’cause I heard the title and some people saying it’s good, but without revealing too much.
    Great post, Josie! 🙂

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    1. I know, it’s almost impossible for us to avoid them because it’s what we DO! Agh. Struggles.
      As for hype, escaping it? The only tip I can come up with is to read negative reviews!
      Yep, I pick up books for those reasons too, Marie! But I guess we just have to practice going into books make off the first two sentences of a summary/blurb?

      Thank you Marie! 😊

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      1. Oh yes, that’s actually a great idea, I’ll definitely try and do that, next time I pick out a book to read! 🙂

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