A sanctuary for all book lovers.


  • Books with Less Than 2000 Ratings That I Enjoyed

    Granted, most of my favourite books are books with more than 2,000 ratings on Goodreads. However, I managed to find a few books on my “read-books” list that have way less than 2000. I like to look at these books because it’s nice to feel like you’ve read a book that hasn’t gone mainstream and…

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  • Truth by Michelle Johnson

    SERIES: BOOK #1 OF OLEAH CHRONICLES GENRE: YOUNG ADULT, PARANORMAL/FANTASY FORMAT: KINDLE E-BOOK RATING: 2/5 STARS What would you do if everything you thought to be true in your life was a lie? Sixteen-year-old Angel Seriki must face overwhelming truths about her family when she meets Zander Black, a new student to her high school who…

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  • Finding the Power in Love and Forgiveness

    Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sins are put out of sight. – ROMANS 4:7 NLT It’s so easy to get angry and frustrated. It’s so easy for people to say or do things that cause our spirits to turn sour. Sometimes we get so consumed by these feelings that it…

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